Friday, March 8, 2013

Peterson's 80S Silver Spigot

Melbourne smoke polished and ready for action, shall have to find a nice park to smoke it in.


  1. Words can not describe the only words i can think of is JEALOUS and WANG

  2. Hehehehe hope it smokes as good as it looks! I should probably get off this b&w spree, but like how the pipes look.

  3. Had a bowl in Parliament Park about 30 minutes ago. Blustery wind and the Pete still smoked cool and sweet all the way to the heel on one match. I did, in deference to the wind, only rub out my flake slightly. Still pretty chunky, worked a treat.

  4. I would like to see a pic of the pipe pulled apart please.
    So i can see what the silver spoigot looks like. HD

  5. Will try with the the iPad but may have wait till tomorrow afternoon :)
