Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pressure steam cleaner for pipes

This is what I've been thinking about for the last week, a high-pressure steam cleaner for pipes. Advantages:
- pressure
- uses water not chemicals
- made from mostly items you have at home (or could find in rubbish)

1. Stove-top espresso coffee maker
2. Tubing
3. Balls the size of car batteries
4. Large tapered cork (to fit wide variety of bowls)

Only three issues:
1. The steam tube in my espresso maker would get blocked by simply putting a tube over it as the discharge holes are on the sides. If I find a junk one (or my old one that broke) I could drill a hole in the top so that this was not an issue.

2. The tubing would have be able to stand high heat (not a big issue) but also be neutral in taste. Maybe something a medical supply company would have? I think surgical tubing would melt, but then again it's only hot for a second...

3. What happens if something blocks the pipe, where does the pressure go? If you didn't clamp the hose at either end then that would probably be where it blew...I guess the solution would be to clean the pipe as best you could then use the steamer as the last step.

The only question is which way to blast the water, through the bowl or through the stem. Not sure about this one, arguments either way.

1 comment:

  1. First of all sounds good boiling water comes out of the mocha pot not steam but thats ok give it a try.
