Thursday, April 11, 2013

New Tobacco

It is a huge tin biggest i have seen 100g.
Smells great i haven't smoked it yet but fingers crossed.
Either way it has to be better than Borekum Ruff

Update i have smoked it i loaded my Stanwell Freehand.
I figure that its Danish tobacco so i will smoke it in my Danish freehands 
I can taste chocolate and the honey its slight but its there.
Nice and easy to light and it burns well
Amazingly it has a fairly high nicotine hit which suits me fine.
I hate smoking a bowl and feeling like a smoke when its finished.
I am happy now but i find that the truth comes out after you have smoked a few bowls.
Either way it was a bargain 2 weeks worth of smoking has good nicotine and a new tin for my expanding collection. 


  1. Good score. I recently bought a 200g tin of Heinrich Dark Strong Kentucky. Big ole tin for a fact.
