Friday, March 29, 2013

The pipes i have smoked today.

Morning to evening smokes

Peterson Bulldog

Love the grain.
Let us know what pipes you have smoked today.


  1. Nice pipes. Looks like you mean business. Enjoy!

  2. Damn man, that's a lot of smokin'! One hell of a cross-section of the pipe world as well. All of them are looking super clean as usual, grain on the bully is getting more define as tiem goes on - nice.

    1. Now do you see the tobacco problem.

    2. Damn yeah, that's a lot of baccy to be smokin', that's for sure.

  3. Well Hoot that's nicotine addition for ya.
    Why hell yes the Bulldog is looking fine.
    Still got dust sticking to it Grrrr.

  4. As a general rule I don't much care for pipes with metal inside the shank or stem (metal tenons, stingers etc..)even tho I have a few. Grabows, Whitehalls, Medicos and Kaywoodies. My only complaint about such pipes are that the moisture really condenses. I hate gurgles and/or having to use a cleaner mid smoke (or several times during a smoke)or taking the pipe apart and blowing through the stem to get rid of moisture. How do the spigots do in that respect? Do they excerbate the moisture in shank or bowl or have you noticed no problem?

    1. The Dr Plumb is a fake spigot its a normal tenon.

    2. With the Falcon and Ronson metal pipes i make a small ring out of a pipe cleaner to suck
      up the moisture.

    3. How many pipes a day do you smoke.

    4. I smoke anywhere from 3 to 6 bowls a day, normally. Have smoked as high as 9. Sometimes the same pipe was used all day but I usually smoke two or three different pipes a day. It's a lot harder than some would think to smoke through 120 pipes and not miss any. Especially since we all have our favs and tend to dote on them, eh?

    5. I have my favorates as well it's true.
      I do like to smoke all of my pipes but then i only have 19 pipes
      Takes 3 or 4 days to get through them.
      Mostly i never smoke a pipe more than once a day.
      The one exception would be the Falcon.

  5. That little Plumb just oozes class as far as I'm concerned...most spigots (even the imposters) are classy looking. Can't get Plumbs over here. Dr. Grabow and MM cobs of many shapes are the norm as far as the entry/basic pipes go.

  6. MM are great pipes. I've this conversaton with HD before. You go to any forum etc. and it doesn't matter who the person is, they have at least one MM and like how it smokes. Doesn't matter if they spend $5000 on a pipe or $10, they all like MM's!
