Sunday, March 24, 2013

Folded Flake

Getting ready.

Folded a flake.

Perfect flakes what a pleasure.

Stuffed it in and fired it up.
Took a bit of lighting and tamping but it's burning well now.
This Bulldog is fast becoming my favorite.
The size and shape of the bowl seems just perfect for me.
And i love the look.


  1. 1. You can't rightly call those thing 'flakes', I believe the correct term would be 'shingles'.

    2. That 80S looks like a different pipe every time you photograph it, just keeps getting better and better, hand polishing is getting you the results.

    3. Cool steps of the fold and stuff, you don't see detail like that elsewhere :)

  2. Yea you could roof a house with them.

  3. I wish my 1792 flakes were sliced that thin...fact of the matter is that...most of the flakes I smoke need to be thinner. I don't know why the Brits slice the tobac so thick. Guard that cutter!

  4. Before the flake cutter i used a cut throat razor worked well
    and i was able to cut tin flakes but it sure was dangerous
    one slip and it's off to the hospital.

  5. Sounds even scarier than the butcher knife I use.
    I've gotten to the point that if a plug is very hard and dense I just slice off slivers and stuff my pipe just like in Mr. Services fine poem, The Black Dudeen. It works a right treat. I used to hate the fold and stuff method. I could not get it right. I learned and used a different method to achieve the same end and after getting consistent smokes with that method went back to a variation of fold and stuff and it works a treat too. A good fold and stuff requires a way to get good, thin, uniform slices that stay together when gently handled. Your cutter sure does a fine job. Your razor and my butcher knife? Scary! That butcher knife does a fine job though. The thing is sharp enough to split a personality.
