Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A very Hobo Pipe

Please don't think Andrea had anything to do with my Hobo attempt she is not even home now.
Almost looks like a free hand 
I think i have a long way to go.
Hobo Dave  


  1. One small step for man...one giant leap for clay pipes in Australia... :)

    If it smokes it will be mega cool, both literally and figuratively. You going to put it through the kiln or get a hot fire going in the back yard?

  2. What did you use to make the draught hole? I was thinking that you needed something in stainless, the right thickness, high tensile resilience (so it won't permanently bend easily) but that would also take a point easily...and be hobo. then it hit me, spoke. Perfect size, qualities, long, cheap, easily obtained.

  3. Draft hole coat hanger it's too small i thought spoke too but a motor bike spoke i thing bicycle spoke
    is too thin.
    I crushed it in to a ball fail.

  4. Lol, shame, attempt No 1 may ahve been very collectible one day :P You need something 3-4mm in diameter for a briar, but my clay here smokes great and is only 2mm. Have to ask Andrea if the hole will open, close or stay the same when cooked so you know to scale up or down.

    1. Hoot, clay usually shrinks a bit as it dries and again when it's fired, so that will have to be taken under consideration. When clay nozzle inserts are made for static rocket engines (composite engines)that is something that has to be delt with. I've got a clay just like the one in the pic except mine has a green tip painted on to help keep the unglazed clay from sticking to lips. I got mine at a rondyvous here in Indiana. Mine is even lighter colored than yours because I don't smoke thing much since I can't get a cleaner thru the stem.

  5. Hey chuck, you want to post something on the blog? Our only criteria is reasonably clear pictures :) Apart from that, anything and everything pipey is fair game!

    1. I got some pics of my pipe collection that someone might be interested in seeing.

  6. I would love to see your pipes Chuck.

  7. As soon as I can figure out to post a pic.....

  8. Email on its way.
