Monday, July 29, 2013

A new Falcon Bowl

Action in the Lathe

The bowl has a nice taper.

Has anybody seen a calabash falcon Bowl before ?
I so need a bent falcon.
I would be happy to swap a bowl for one.

There are less inclusions in this block.


  1. Holy briar shit Batman, NICE! Makes me want to get a falcon now. You need to sell these, no questions asked.

    Seriously, this made me hard. You are the CHEF!

    1. Thanks HH I would like to swap one for a bent Falcon.
      Yea but what shape to turn next????????????

  2. Proper bulldog...Dublin (that would be hard though), sphere, egg (egg would be cool), one with art-deco 'fins' up it like the aluminum ones buy our of wood (very challenging not breaking th rings when turning though).

    How about lids so that you can pre-pack bowls and leave them in your pocket when out and about? Swap one in when you need a new smoke, quick-draw pardner!

    1. Some nice ideas to think about.
      The lid is a great idea.
