Monday, March 11, 2013

Morning head spin

Ready to go

Not a quick smoke

Starting to get short best bang for your buck tobacco.
Puffed a bit hard and paid the price haven't smoked the plug straight for a while.


  1. Great action shots, love the second one will all the components. That Falcon bowl actually looks like it is made from good wood, nice grain. Plug, HEAD.

  2. Say, don't you fellers believe that a little cake is good for tha bowl? Yore bowls look mighty bare. Intentional? I knows some people hate cake in tha bowl. I've found it to be a mighty good thang.

  3. Well Chuck i have smoked pipes in the past but not for 20 years just started pipeing again the last 3 months maybe.
    Your advice about cake is good and i do need to let it build up.I just clean my pipes after every smoke
    and lightly run a reamer through there is cake there just not much.I never smoke the same pipe twice in a day so it will take a while.I will stop reaming and give it a try.
