Thursday, February 28, 2013

Uncut plug Irish Cake.

49.59 grams ripped off


  1. On the upside - you do get to smoke it :) really looks like a no-nonsense baccy - POW!

  2. This morning i gave Lachlan a taste of pure plug.
    He took a good puff and then a second and dribbled on the floor and pulled a face hhahahhahaah and went peeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww.And complained for about 1/2 hr.

  3. HAHAHA, you're a cruel man. Like giving a 12 year old moonshine. I bet that baccy is so strong it puts hairs on your back.

  4. I'm still chuckling about Lachlan, poor boy.

  5. You guys are sooooooooooo damned lucky to have that Irish Plug. Looks might, mighty fine. I've never the op ta taste of it. I do like me me a taste of Dark Plug and Cob Plug...the strongest plugs I can lay me mitts on. Good stuff. Ever tried it< either of you?

  6. This is true, but then again it is literally 5-10 times the cost here in Australia compared to say America. Hobo Dave sure does dig gettin' out that thar plug cutter though :)

  7. Chuck the Dark Plug and the Cob Plug nice .
    Plug is almost impossible to get in Australia
    it cost me $39au for 50grams what a rip!

  8. I hear ya Dave. Gonna hit us hard here in the USofA when the taxes go up again, which is expected to happen soon. Taxes go up, the price of pipe fodder goes up also too as well. I'ma sittin on forty pounds of prime smoking leaf "jest in case". We all know the poopoo is gonna hit the fan. Soon.
    Hoo law, I can just hear the phone calls rolling into peeler central now. "Hello? I just got a ransom note telling me that if I wants ter sees my kids again I has ta meet 'em on fifth and main with a pound of Dark Plug, for EACH kid, in brown paper bags."

  9. Chuck the big problem we have here apart from the tax is plain packaging no pipe tobacco makers are going to plain package for Australia.
    So we have about 3 brands and only 6 types that's it all of which are crap Bumcum rough [Bourkum riff] yuck
    And only some tobacconist and no where else has it.
    So getting tobacco to smoke is quite a mission and at an average of $42/50gr as well.
    Well thats my rave.
